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CCEDA. Collaborate. Diversify. Thrive.


The Cortes Community Economic Development Association (CCEDA / "seed-ah") supports a vibrant and active community, grounded in a sustainable and conscious economy.


We define community economic development (CED) as the actions taken by people locally to create economic opportunities that improve social conditions. To be effective, solutions must be rooted in local knowledge and led by community members. CCEDA works within this model to foster a resilient and diversified local economy for Cortes Island. We do this by promoting and advocating for the health and wellbeing of all living beings in our community; developing dynamic and responsive strategies and programs that increase community capacity; collaborating on regional economic development partnerships and initiatives; and conducting research, studies and compiling reports to support community economic development.


For more details on what we're all about, see the CCEDA 2021 Strategic Plan, and our Constitution.

Meet our team

Board of Directors

Tommaso Biasiolo

Lisa Ferentinos

Duane Hansen

Jenny Hartwick
Kaye Hope



Tammy Collingwood

Kate Maddigan

Our Partners


Our Supporters


Our Funders


Our Values


Building We encourage and support individual and business capacity building – the ability to obtain, improve and retain the necessary skills needed to thrive in our local economy. 



We strive to act truthfully and honorably, build trusting relationships, and consider all of our work from a diversity of perspectives. 



We create meaningful partnerships and mutually beneficial opportunities based on a holistic, values driven and collaborative approach to attaining community economic prosperity. 


Shared Prosperity 

We support an economic framework based on respect for all members of our living world, and the equitable distribution of land, wealth, and power.

Partners, Supporters & Funders

Thank you to all our sponsors, donors, and partners whose contributions to our mission have made such difference.

Our Reports

Local Economic Action Plan:
Initiated in 2016, after our 2015 Cortes Island Economic Development Forum, the Local Economic Action Plan was the result of two years of community engagement initiated by CIBATA members and the LEAP Community Steering Committee. The purpose of LEAP was to engage the community of Cortes in designing a community economic development strategy, and to identify economic priorities and actions for the island over the next five years.

Cortes Island Community Tourism Plan:
The Cortes Community Economic Development association (CCEDA), with support from Destination British Columbia and Pacific Economic Development Canada, embarked on a refresh of its 2014 Community Tourism Plan from September 2023 to March 2024. The Community Tourism Plan presents a vision for tourism on Cortes Island, highlights the characteristics of the visitors who best align with the islands values and assets, outlines guiding principles to support decision-making, and identifies 17 recommendations, with tactical actions, to advance in the next three to five years.

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