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Seeking Solutions

For Passenger Transportation

On Quadra Island, Cortes Island, and the Outer Islands

Why is Passenger Transportation Important in our Communities?


Passenger transportation, including buses, taxis, ride hailing, and ride sharing, is becoming increasingly important in many rural communities.  It’s time for us to take a serious look at these options.

Residents and visitors to our islands face various challenges and could benefit from more passenger transportation options.  For example:

  • With our aging populations, more residents will require or prefer a ride, while fewer will be able to offer them.  Passenger transportation could provide a social outlet and a convenient way to travel to important appointments, errands, and visits with friends.

  • Youth, students, workers, and commuters need transportation as well.  They could benefit from not having to rely on others for rides, or requiring their own vehicle, which can be an unaffordable expense, especially when repairs are needed.

  • Even visitors and tourists come here without cars, or would like to.  Providing these groups with more transportation options could really boost our local businesses without increasing traffic on the roads and ferries.

Use of passenger transportation will result in fewer vehicles on the road.  This will benefit us all through such things as:

  • Reduced carbon emissions

  • Easing of ferry overloads

  • Safer roads for walkers, cyclists and animals.  

Passenger transportation benefits the community as a whole for so many reasons, as well as meeting a critical need for those lacking other transportation options, making it an important part of the community’s social safety net.

Why are we Doing this Community Consultation?


Recent research studies have shown that limited opportunities for passenger transportation on Quadra and Cortes is an issue that both communities would like to see  addressed.

To meet this need, the Cortes Community Economic Development Association (CCEDA) applied for funding and launched the new “Cortes/Quadra Community Passenger Transportation Solutions” project.  This project is being led by residents of both Quadra and Cortes Islands, with additional input from the Outer Islands.

It will be a great opportunity for residents of Quadra, Cortes, and nearby islands to come together to:

  • Determine the best passenger transportation options for our communities

  • Look at the potential structure and/or service routes to support those options


We would like your input regarding various innovative and non-traditional passenger transportation services that could be implemented here.  We aim to design a transportation system that meets the needs and preferences of our communities. Your opinions and suggestions will directly influence the decision-making process.

What We Heard and Where We're Headed

Phase One: May/June 2024

Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey, learning forum, community meetings, and interviews!  

Missed the Learning Forum?  Watch the replay HERE. 


282 people from Cortes, Quadra, and the outer islands, as well as some visitors, responded to our survey.

We found that a large majority of people were interested in using passenger transportation on Quadra, if it were provided for a reasonable fee.  Specifically, 61% of respondents from Cortes and 69.5% of respondents from Quadra said YES to this option, and many more said MAYBE.  Outer island residents and visitors were also very interested in passenger transportation on Quadra.

Passenger transportation on Cortes received fewer yeses but was still popular, with 56.5% of Cortes Islanders, 45% of Quadra Islanders, 53% of Outer Islanders, and 40% of visitors saying YES to using it.

Respondents were then asked what type of passenger transportation they would be likely to use. The choices included a taxi, a ride-hailing service (like Uber), ridesharing/carpooling, and a bus, either on Cortes or Quadra, as well as a few choices that would transport them from Cortes or Quadra to Vancouver Island, and water taxis to the outer islands.

The most popular option for all respondents, with support from 68.5%, was a bus around Quadra including the ferries.  This was followed closely by a bus between Quadra ferries at 67% and a bus from Quadra to elsewhere at 64%.

We asked, “What motivates you to want to use passenger transportation?” The most popular response was “limit my use of fossil fuel,” followed by “reduce the number of vehicles on the ferry.”  Other highly rated responses were “I would prefer not to drive if I don’t have to” and “I like the social aspect of traveling with other people.”  Many additional motivations were added under “Other” and related to safety, accessibility, equity, health, cost, lack of a personal vehicle, ability to get places, and having an alternative to biking and hitchhiking.

Click HERE for more results from the survey.  We will soon be posting a full summary of all of the input we received.


We took the passenger transportation options from the survey, added electric buses as well, and rigorously evaluated them using 24 weighted criteria related to demand (as demonstrated through our research), service, and logistics, as well as financial, social, and environmental factors.  This really helped us to look at each option from a number of angles.  The highest rated options emerged as follows and have become our priorities:

  • Priority #1: An electric bus on Quadra that includes both ferries.  An electric bus would be a better option environmentally but we may need to start with a gas bus.

  • Priority #2: Ridesharing / carpooling services, on Quadra and Cortes, and to off island destinations.  


In addition, we would like to explore two other options:

  • Additional Option #1: A community-supported taxi or ride hailing service on Quadra.  

  • Additional Option #2: An option for Cortes to supplement but not compete with the Klahoose Bus, such as a shuttle to the first and last ferries with a loop around Cortes

Phase Two: July/August 2024

We will hosting several focus groups in August on Cortes, Quadra and online.  If you would like to participate, please get in touch.

More Info

What could “Passenger Transportation” Solutions Look Like?

Taxis in BC must meet these requirements:

  • A light on top

  • A fare meter that calculates the cost of the trip at the destination

  • Can be booked through an app website, by phone, or hailed on the street

  • Can have various payment options

Ride Hailing in BC must meet these requirements:

  • Logo on the side of the vehicle

  • Can only be booked through an app or website

  • The fare is calculated prior to the trip

  • Payment can only be made through the app or website

A community bus could operate in the following ways:

ride share.png

Ride Sharing, Carpooling and Passenger Transportation Pool Services generally follow these rules:


What else?
We are open to other suggestions too...

What Passenger Transportation is Currently Available on Cortes & Quadra?



What Passenger Transportation is Available on Other Islands & Remote Communities?

Hornby Island:

Hornby Bus (1).png

Gabriola Island:


Sunshine Coast, Comox Valley, Campbell River, Tofino & Fort St John:


Mayne Island:

Mayne Island.png



Bella Coola:

Bella Coola.png

Powell River:

Zunga Bus.png

Denman Island:

Denman Bus.png

Bowen Island:

Bowen LIFT.png

Bowen Island:

Bowen Vanpool.png

Check out the video from our Learning Forum and hear from Gertie, Zunga Bus, Denman Bus, Bowen Vanpool, and Coastal Rides!

What Other Recent Studies have been Done?  

Important transportation studies leading up to this project include:

  • Answered the question, “Is a community bus feasible for Quadra Island?”

  • The study analyzed community travel patterns, included a survey

  • Recommended a “Weekday Commuter Service on Quadra”

  • Recommended service to Quathiaski Cove and Heriot Bay as well as service for Quadra Residents to local destinations for shopping, errands, and medical appointments, with morning and afternoon trips

  • Recommended further engagement in public consultation to “ground truth” the options.

  • Further recommends proceeding on a pilot basis to allow for testing of operational practices, schedules, and routes

  • Recommended “Appoint a TDM Task Force, responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining transport programs and initiatives. Task force hires coordinator.”

  • Explore option to use Cortes School Bus as a shuttle for community events. 

  • Quadra Island crossing: Contact Quadra Island Stakeholder groups. Explore subsidized ride-hailing service.

  • Connect with Quadra Regional Director with BC Transit. 

  • Provide Car-share vehicle (s). 

  • Shuttle bus

The purpose of this report was to reflect what was heard from approximately 1,200 participants about the challenges, gaps, and opportunities for passenger transportation between communities on Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast, and parts of Coastal B.C. 


Participants gave the following feedback:

  • Provincial government needs to facilitate and collaborate new transportation options other than personal vehicles between communities, in collaboration with community partners

  • The Province should help pull together various levels of government, including First Nations, to enable grass-roots and community-grown transportation opportunities.

  • Participants want all parties to work collaboratively, in partnership with the private sector, towards a shared vision of transportation for B.C. set and led by the Province.

  • Participants also supported transportation solutions that will reduce society’s reliance on personal vehicles and stressed that, to maximize ridership, these solutions need to be convenient, frequent, and reliable.

  • Throughout the study it was frequently heard that inter-community transportation requires financial support from government and that the private sector cannot fill this gap on its own.

This project is brought to you by the
Cortes Community Economic Development Association

With Funding from:

With Support from:

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Project Team:

Kate Maddigan - Project Lead for Cortes Island & Representative for CCEDA

Jen Banks-Doll - Project Lead & Public Engagement Lead for Quadra Island; Project Communications

Sadhu Aufochs Johnston - Public Engagement Lead for Cortes Island

Steve Earle - Passenger Transportation Expert from Gabriola Island

Advisory Group with representatives from Cortes & Quadra Islands

For More Information:
Please send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly

Thank you for your message!

Cortes Island is part of the traditional territory of the Klahoose, Tia'amin, and Homalco Nations. We acknowledge this prior ownership and stewardship and strive to support economic reconciliation and justice for First Nations peoples.


Cortes Community Economic Development Association [CCEDA] is dedicated to the long term wellbeing of Cortes Island and those who live here. Through community economic development [CED] we support the growth of diverse, sustainable, and fulfilling livelihoods and enterprises.

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